Storing Certifications and Licenses
Rental properties must be provided with certain certifications or licenses.
PaTMA allows certificates to be easily stored and managed across your portfolio. Certificates can be provided to tenants directly through the Tenant Portal or by email, with the option to request e-signatures.
The following certificates are supported:
- Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
- Electrical Safety Certificate (EICR)
- Portable Appliance Test (PAT)
- Gas Safety Certificate
- Insurance (any type)
- HMO License
- HMO Additional License
- Selective License
- Fire Alarm Certificate
- Emergency Lighting
- Warranties (including building work, appliances, etc)
- Maintenance certificates
In case you have some other type of certificate not directly supported, there is also a generic Other Certificate/License option.
Adding a New Certification
Before adding a certification you must add the relevant property to your portfolio.
After adding the property, the tenancy checklist will prompt you for all required documents. However, if you skipped this step or need to add certifications later in the process, you can select the property from the Property Overview page and open the Certificates/Licenses tab to add the relevant documents. Any missing certificates will be labelled in red.
You will need scanned or electronic copies of each certificate you need to upload.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Click Add EPC to open the upload form.
Click Choose File and select the certificate to upload.
You only need to add the Issue Date (found on the EPC) and the Rating the property was given.
Click Save to store the certificate. It will also be provided to tenants.
All other Certification or Licenses (not EPC)
All certificates other than the EPC use the same form.
You can reach the upload form when prompted to add a certificate, for example the Electricity (EICR) certificate:
- Type - what type of certificate you are uploading
- Label - only for certain types of certificate, for example insurance.
- Supplier - the supplier or publisher of the certificate. You will need to add a Supplier before one can be selected.
- Valid From - the date validity begins (not neecessarily the issue date).
- Valid for - the validity period of the certification.
- Expires - the date validity ends. Automatically completed if you chose a validity perioid.
- Expense - reconcile with an existing Expense if one exists.
- Certificate - Click Choose file to upload the certificate.
- Replacing - if this replaces an earlier certificate, select it from this menu. Leave blank if no earier certificate existed.
- Available to tenants on the tenant portal - check to allow tenants to view or download from the Tenant Portal (recommended).
- Send this certificate to all current tenants - a copy of the certificate will immediately be emailed to all tenants (recommended for required certificates).
- Request confirmation e-signature from each tenant - only appears if the certificate will be sent to tenants. An option will be provided for the tenant to e-sign the document.
Click Save to store the certificate.