PaTMa Calculates Buy To Let Financials Instantly
PaTMa instantly shows essential financial forecasts such as cost, yield, purchase price-v-yield, profit and ROI – all customisable to suit your individual situation.
Calculating the financials is the single most important aspect of any potential new investment. With PaTMa important figures are automatically calculated for you, giving you an instant overview of which properties will work financially.
- Just add a property as a prospect, enter the basic numbers and see a range of essential financial information about it.
- Create your own investment scenarios and see how each property meets your criteria.
- Clearly see projected costs for each property including purchase price, repair costs, stamp duty, fees and cash deposit/mortgage figures.
- See projected returns based on forecast rent including key figures for profit per month or annually pre tax, plus ROI and yield. See a five year profit forecast including estimated capital gain.
- Easily see how asking price and offer price, or a range of other prices, affect yield to find your perfect offer point.
- Clear and simple presentation. Makes it easier to see how the numbers behind each property stack up so you can rule it in or out.
PaTMa saves you literally hours and hours of manual calculations, or poring over spreadsheets by calculating the figures you need automatically. It takes the guesswork out of investing by instantly revealing what works and what doesn’t, giving you the insight you need to make better investment decisions every time.