Prepare Your Property Tax Return Figures With Ease
Do you need to prepare property tax figures?
For your accountant or directly for your self assessment tax return?
Avoid spreadsheets and make the process simple using PaTMa:
- Simple language - no accounting qualification needed
- Easy six-step guide to help you complete the process
- All your property tax figures at the click of a button
Property tax figures just a click away
Every private landlord must complete an annual landlord tax return. Make the process simple and quick with PaTMa.
PaTMa instantly presents all the figures you need for your accountant or to enter directly in your self assessment tax return.
Want the simplest way to enter everything and finish quickly?
Simply follow the six-step guide to your first property tax return with PaTMa.
- Enter your properties
- Add tenancies (without unneeded historic details)
- Record rent payments
- Record mortgage interest
- Record expenses
- Generate anc check your tax figures
It couldn't be simpler. Sign up for the free trial to get started now - no card required.
See what existing customers say
"Thank you very much for this powerful tool! Very helpful."
"This is a great tool which I've been using since last year. Keep up the good work"